
  • 大学校园里的个人和部门
  • 通过与兄弟出版社的协议, 印第安纳州的个别弟兄教会, 以及印第安纳州的弟兄教会地区办事处
  • 偶尔通过私人捐赠

如果您有想捐赠或存放的资料,请与我们联系. 我们会让你知道这些物品是否适合档案馆和兄弟会的历史收藏, and if so, 帮你安排他们的转移.

校园里的部门和个人必须包括一份 Transfer Form 向档案馆发送材料时. 校外捐款需要一个 Deed of Gift Form. 所有材料都需要预先分类和逐项列出,并说明提交的历史和意义. 请将描述的纸质副本附在表格上,并将数字副本发送给档案管理员 jmwine@fizyoist.net. If warranted, 档案部将为学生提供档案文件夹和档案盒,并在学生搬家前将这些东西送到你所在的部门.

Due to 保护问题,所有提交的材料应干燥、无虫害、无霉菌. 所有橡皮筋和金属回形针都应拆除. 不要用胶带把碎片粘在一起. 如果您有任何问题,请在提交之前联系Jeanine.



In general, all non-current, 由大学或教会办事处或部门产生的具有持久价值的重要记录应存放在大学档案和弟兄会历史收藏中. Records will qualify if they have been vital to the operation of the office or department; if they document policy development and precedents, 主要计划或补助金, or University or Church rights and responsibilities; if their subject matter caused considerable comment on campus, 在面额上, or in the media; or, 如果他们涉及诉讼或大笔金钱. 一个有用的指导方针是询问哪些材料对撰写关于教会的报告或历史的人有用, office, or department. Consider the potential uses of archived records; for instance, 拨款提案通常需要历史叙述和统计数据.


Examples include but are not limited to: Correspondence and subject files; syllabi; news releases; publications, such as newsletters and annual reports; records of program or curriculum development; departmental minutes and reports; committee and organization minutes and reports; self-studies, histories, and accreditation reports; records about symposia and special projects; records about cooperative efforts with other institutions or congregations; records about relationships with government, business, or industry; certain student work (for example, honors theses)


Paper documents, unpublished and published; books, unpublished and published; diaries; scrapbooks; audio and video of all kinds; photographic material, 包括有框物品, slides, negatives, prints, and digital images; blueprints and plans; paintings, drawings, and other artwork; plaques; and banners.


档案和兄弟历史收藏将不会获得日常通信和类似的物品,没有持久的价值, 重复的材料, 更适合普通图书馆收藏的出版物, personnel records, 财务资料(年终财务报表及其他汇总报告除外), 或与十大网赌正规网址或印第安纳州弟兄教会无关的材料. 档案和兄弟历史收藏也不积极收集三维物体. 工作人员保留不接纳不适合收藏的资料的权利.

谁会看到存档的材料? 如果某些东西本质上是敏感的呢?

被认为是学生学习记录(成绩簿)一部分的项目, 分级作业, 根据联邦法律,永久记录是私有的. In addition, 赠与人或者寄存人可以对档案的存放事项作出规定,对每一件保管物的《十大赌博正规信誉网址》或者《十大赌博正规信誉网址》规定限制条件. 如未填妥转让表格或赠与契约, 假定材料是不受限制的.